Get your copy today.

“It is my joy to enthusiastically and wholeheartedly commend – A Handbook for Developing a Restorative Culture in Your Church by Pete Tackett and Michael Stover. It is a practical handbook helping churches and ministry leaders build a culture of safety, compassion, and mending for those that find themselves at a place of brokenness… “

Randy C. Davis – President & Executive Director, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board

(from the back cover)

Watch as co-authors Pete Tackett and Michael Stover share about their book, reCLAIMing – A Handbook for Developing a Restorative Culture in Your Church, and the Reclaiming Ministry it details. Featured on the Revitalization Today Podcast from Renovate National Church Revitalization Conference. 

The effects of emotional and physical stress of the ministry can overwhelm a pastor without proper safeguards. Pete Tackett, pastor of Antioch Baptist Church, shares his journey through dealing with the overwhelming stress of the ministry as well as helpful hints to minimize the effects of the pressure that comes with the pastoral role. 
Pastor Pete also shares about the reCLAIMing book and website resources on this podcast by Camp Radio, hosted by Tennessee Baptist Camps, 
Click this link to be taken to the Soundcloud podcast site
Click this link to listen in Spotify. 

Tennessee Baptist Convention Pastor’s Conference

TN Baptist Mission Board

Pastor Pete Tackett was a keynote speaker at the 2022 TBMB Annual Pastor’s Conference, held at Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, TN. Watch his message in the video below. Fast forward to 1:15:58 to reach the beginning of Pastor Pete’s address. 


SUMMIT MON. 11/14 AFTERNOON: Pastors Conference from Tennessee Baptist Mission Board on Vimeo.

 Bring the  Conference
to Your Church or Organization

The authors offer two sessions to fit your organization’s needs:

2-Hour Introductory Workshop
1-Day Intensive Training

Individual church crisis consultations are also available upon request.
Contact the authors for more information and scheduling:
You may also email the authors directly at: or
Download this Reclaiming Conference Flyer for advertising purposes! 

Restoration Resources

Resources that have proven helpful to both fallen and struggling church leaders and the churches who want to help them.

The authors of see themselves as connectors of people and resources and you can reach them at

  • City of Refuge is a long-term residential restoration ministry that brings hurting pastors and their families into First Baptist Woodstock for potentially multiple years. While families are in the program, City of Refuge provides housing, childcare, counseling, and small group support at no cost to the family. For more than two decades, City of Refuge has provided a safe place for ministers to find hope and healing. For further information, you will need to call First Baptist Church, Woodstock, Georgia. Because they have so many requests and limited space, they do not have a public web page. You can find the church contact info at
  • Shepherd’s Haven of Rest – A respite and wise counsel ministry for pastors who are close to crashing or burning out or who have recently been through a traumatic season. Led by Charley and Suzanne Grigsby, they can be reached at
  • FIG Ministries is a ministry of restoration for both fallen leaders and fallen church members that includes regular social media support, a retreat center where the broken can go for respite and counsel, and a training center for pastors and church leaders who wish to develop a culture of restoration in their church. Because their ministry is to fragile people, they do not maintain a highly visible web presence. You can reach them by going to and filling out the form. They will get back with you very quickly.
  • Energize Ministries – A team whose purpose is to provide proactive, preventive care to pastors, ministry leaders and their families; and to continually engage the body of Christ to do the same.  They have a vision to establish a new standard of pastoral care and realize a radical change in the way church returns care for our nation’s pastors, ministry leaders, and their families. Visit their website at or call them at 800.477.3583.
  • Keith Glover – Keith is a pastor to coaches and church leaders and has wide ranging experience and gifts. He would be glad to hear from you and set up a time for a conversation. He can be reached at
  • Tennessee Baptist Mission Board – Dr. Roger “Sing” Oldham leads the Office of Pastor Health at the TBMB and can be reached at 800.558.2090.
  • Lantern Lane Farm “Where Healing Happens” – A 501(c)(3) non-profit, faith-based counseling center near Nashville, TN. We provide rest and relaxation to those who need spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Our nonjudgemental, restorative, and compassionate care is through traditional and equine-assisted counseling services. Visit for more information. 

The authors of see themselves as connectors of people and resources and you can reach them at (or you can direct to the contact page or however you wish to do this.)

  • City of Refuge is a long-term residential restoration ministry that brings hurting pastors and their families into First Baptist Woodstock for potentially multiple years. While families are in the program, City of Refuge provides housing, childcare, counseling, and small group support at no cost to the family. For more than two decades, City of Refuge has provided a safe place for ministers to find hope and healing. For further information, you will need to call First Baptist Church, Woodstock, Georgia. Because they have so many requests and limited space, they do not have a public web page. You can find the church contact info at
  • Shepherd’s Haven of Rest – A respite and wise counsel ministry for pastors who are close to crashing or burning out or who have recently been through a traumatic season. Led by Charley and Suzanne Grigsby, they can be reached at
  • FIG Ministries is a ministry of restoration for both fallen leaders and fallen church members that includes regular social media support, a retreat center where the broken can go for respite and counsel, and a training center for pastors and church leaders who wish to develop a culture of restoration in their church. Because their ministry is to fragile people, they do not maintain a highly visible web presence. You can reach them by going to and filling out the form. They will get back with you very quickly.
  • Energize Ministries – A team whose purpose is to provide proactive, preventive care to pastors, ministry leaders and their families; and to continually engage the body of Christ to do the same.  They have a vision to establish a new standard of pastoral care and realize a radical change in the way church returns care for our nation’s pastors, ministry leaders, and their families. Visit their website at or call them at 800.477.3583.
  • Keith Glover – Keith is a pastor to coaches and church leaders and has wide ranging experience and gifts. He would be glad to hear from you and set up a time for a conversation. He can be reached at
  • Tennessee Baptist Mission Board – Dr. Roger “Sing” Oldham leads the Office of Pastor Health at the TBMB and can be reached at 800.558.2090.
  • Lantern Lane Farm “Where Healing Happens” – A 501(c)(3) non-profit, faith-based counseling center near Nashville, TN. We provide rest and relaxation to those who need spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Our nonjudgemental, restorative, and compassionate care is through traditional and equine-assisted counseling services. Visit for more information.